Coming Soon
Check back following the 2022 Conference for photos of faculty, undergraduate, and high school presentations
Department of Language and Literature at Lee University cordially invites submissions for the IX Annual Conference on Latin American and Iberian Studies on Saturday March 26th, 2022. This conference will bring together undergraduate and graduate students and professors from a wide variety of disciplines. The conference focuses primarily on the languages, literatures, and cultures of Latin America and Spain; however, interdisciplinary submissions will also be accepted from related areas including Service Learning, Cross-Cultural Experiences, foreign language methodology, and others.
We will host a Culture, and Literature Showcase. Please note that this showcase is a smaller, walk-through poster session that will take place during the conference We would like to invite students from local high schools to attend the conference along with Lee students, teachers, and language professors.
you wish to present, please send a one-page abstract of approximately 250 words as an MS-Word document that clearly identifies the aim(s) of the paper, the rationale of the study, and finding (if applicable). Send the proposal/abstract via email to by February 22nd, 2022. Include your name, institutional affiliation, and email address as well as a brief biography and any kind of technology needed. All presentations will have a 10-12 minute limit. Abstracts and papers may be submitted in English, Portuguese, Spanish or French. Since one of our goals is to bring undergraduate students and faculty together, papers co-authored by students and faculty advisors will be considered.
A $40 registration fee is required for attendance. $25 registration fee for students. This cost will include registration fee, light breakfast, and lunch.
Conference Poster
As usual, we also invite students from surrounding high schools to participate in the conference. These students are welcome to observe undergraduate presentations and show their own research projects in the High School Language, Culture, and Literature Showcase. Please note that this showcase is a smaller, walk-through poster session that will take place during the undergraduate conference. However, we will also have high school panel presentations this year. For additional information, please see our handout.
Please send a one-page abstract of approximately 250 words as an MS-Word document that clearly identifies the aim(s) of the paper, the rationale of the study, and finding (if applicable). Since we recognize that not all papers will be completed by the conference date, “works in progress” will be accepted. Send the proposal/abstract via email to Dr. Alexander Steffanell by clicking the link below. Deadline is March 26, 2022.
All presentations will have a 10-12 minute limit. Abstracts and papers may be submitted in English, Portuguese, Spanish or French. Since one of our goals is to bring undergraduate students and faculty together, papers co-authored by undergraduate students and faculty advisors will be considered. A $10 registration fee is required if you are presenting; this fee includes the cost of breakfast and lunch.
Check back following the 2022 Conference for photos of faculty, undergraduate, and high school presentations