Style Sheet for Dr. Jensen?s Classes
1. Courier New font?12 point
2. The entire paper is double spaced and aligned left
3. One-inch margins on all sides
4. No large or fancy fonts
5. No italics?underline instead
6. Use only the MLA form for documentation
7. The heading should be in the upper left corner of the first page and should be constructed as follows:
Your Name
Class and section?for example, ASIA/ENGL 325 01
Dr. Arden Jensen
The date in MLA form–for example, 27 January 2009
8. The title should be centered and placed in the line below the heading.
9. Each paragraph?s first word is indented by using the tab key?1/2 inch (five spaces).
10. No extra spaces between paragraphs
11. Space only once after a period
12. Submit your essays stapled in the upper left corner–I do not like folders.