ENGL 105 Spring 2016
This page contains information for students in Arden Jensen’s ENG 105 class for the Spring 2016 semester. Please check this page regularly to see if I have included any new information.
Psalm 67–a missionary Psalm
O God, to us show mercy and bless us in Thy grace;
Cause Thou to shine upon us the brightness of Thy face;
That so Thy way most holy on earth may soon be known,
And unto every people Thy saving grace be shown.
O God, let all men praise Thee, let all the nations sing;
In every land let praises and songs of gladness ring;
For Thou shalt judge the people in truth and righteousness,
And through the earth the nations shall Thy just rule confess.
O God, let people praise Thee, let all the nations sing,
For earth in rich abundance to us her fruit shall bring.
The Lord our God shall bless us, our God shall blessing send,
And all the earth shall fear him to its remotest end.
ENGL 105 Syllabus
Style Sheet
ENGL 105 Class Calendar
Writing Communities
Exemplification Exercise
Essay One Topics
MLA Exercise
Definition Essay
Sample Definition Essay
Sample Exemplification Essay
Essay One
Research Paper
Research Report
Lib. Sub. Service
Exemplification Topics
I Want a Wife
MLA Link