English 106 Syllabus Fall 2016
English 106 Syllabus Fall 2016
INSTRUCTOR: Arden Jensen, Ph.D. Office: Vest 204F Email: ajensen@leeuniversity.edu Phone: Office-614-8702 Home-478-2864
Kirszner, Laurie G. and Stephen R. Mandell. Patterns for College Writing, brief edition; online readings and videos—see the Course Calendar
Handbook: The Purdue OWL online: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/
Lee University is a Christian institution that offers liberal arts and professional education on both the baccalaureate and graduate levels through residential and distance programs. It seeks to provide education that integrates biblical truth as revealed in the Holy Scriptures with truth discovered through the study of arts and sciences and in the practice of various professions. A personal commitment to Jesus Christ as Savior is the controlling perspective from which the educational enterprise is carried out. The foundational purpose of all educational programs is to develop within the students knowledge, appreciation, understanding, ability and skills which will prepare them for responsible Christian living in a complex world.
A writing course that seeks to teach students to develop clean, well-organized prose. The course emphasizes the writing process with an introduction to rhetorical strategies and culminates with an introduction to the library, research, and documentation. A grade of C or better in this course allows the student to enroll in Rhetoric and Research, ENGL-110 the following semester.
ACT English score of 19-24 or an SAT re-centered verbal score of 430 – 569.
Credit Hours: 3
This course is intended to emphasize beginning writing skills including sentence style, paragraph development, and essay structure. There will also be an emphasis on critical thinking skills and integration of source materials using proper documentation form.
General Learning Objectives; this course seeks to
- Develop understanding of the process of writing, organizing, and revision a college-level essay
- Develop students’ awareness of audience and purpose for their writing
- Develop skill in using the writing conventions and strategies appropriate to students’ rhetorical situations
- Develop understanding of voice, tone, style, diction, and inclusive language
- Develop students’ ability to integrate their own ideas with those of others
- Develop critical reading and responding skills
- Develop an awareness and understanding of cultural and individual diversity
- Develop students’ understanding of the conventions of standard edited written English
- Develop students’ critical thinking, especially in evaluation of sources and analysis
Specific Learning Objectives; as a result of the activities and study in this course, the student should be able to
1.Write papers incorporating various prewriting, writing, and revision strategies
- Write using a variety of rhetorical strategies appropriate to the rhetorical situation
- Maintain unity at the sentence, paragraph, and essay levels
- Write effectively in relation to the use of voice, tone, style, diction, and inclusive language
- Critique their own and others’ writing
- Write an essay that integrates the student’s ideas with the ideas of others
- Read and respond to essays written by authors representing various cultures and values
- Purpose and Audience
- Prewriting/invention strategies
- Organization/arrangement
- Development
- Unity
- Coherence
- Effectiveness
- Voice
- Tone
- Style
- Diction
- Inclusive language
- Research and documentation
- Critical thinking skills
- Reading and responding to texts and assigned readings
- Writing at the paragraph and essay levels
- Instructor-student conferences
- Self evaluation, peer evaluation, and collaboration
- Revising and editing papers
- Lecture/teacher-directed activity
- Language exercises with quizzes and mastery testing
- Independent and teacher-directed study and writing in the Writing Center
- Supplementary instruction and tutoring in the Writing Center
- Library research
- Read and respond to texts and supplementary materials
- Write and present papers as assigned
- Revise papers in response to peer and instructor critique
- Complete in- and out-of-class developmental practice exercises/activities, including lab assignments
- Participate in group and collaborative activities and various evaluation procedures
- Schedule and attend individual conferences with instructor
*Each student has two sick/personal leave days for the class. Each additional absence carries a three-point final grade penalty up to a total of ten points. Work that is due on the day of an unexcused absence will have a one-grade penalty for each day or part of a day that the paper is late. Being tardy to class will count as 1/2 of an absence.
Components and relative weights
ENGL 106 Assignments Percentages
Essays 50%
Documented paper 30%
Written reflections and other assignments 10%
Corrected portfolio 10%
A ten point penalty will be assessed for each day a paper is late. Students will have their grades penalized up to ten points for class absences beyond two. In the event of absences beyond two for the class, absences are not excused unless there is proper documentation for all absences during the semester. Any excused absences are at the professor’s discretion.
- Grading Scale:
A = 90-100
B = 83-87
C = 73-77
F = 69- below
Lee University is committed to the provision of reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities as defined in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Students who think they may qualify for these accommodations should notify their instructor immediately. Special services are provided through the Academic Support Program.
As a Christian community of scholarship, we at Lee University are committed to the principles of truth and honesty in the academic endeavor. As faculty and students in this Christian community, we are called to present our academic work as an honest reflection of our abilities; we do not need to defraud members of the community by presenting others? work as our own. Therefore, academic dishonesty is handled with serious consequences for two fundamental reasons: it is stealing – taking something that is not ours; it is also lying – pretending to be something it is not. In a Christian community, such pretense is not only unnecessary, it is also harmful to the individual and community as a whole. Cheating should have no place at a campus where Christ is King because God desires us to be truthful with each other concerning our academic abilities. Only with a truthful presentation of our knowledge can there be an honest evaluation of our abilities. To such integrity, we as a Christian academic community are called. See your student handbook for additional information.
Aaron, Jane E., ed. The Little, Brown Compact Handbook. 4th ed. New York: Harper Collins, 2002.
Berthoff, Ann, et al. ?Spiritual Sites of Composing.? College Composition and Communication 45 (May 1994): 237-263.
Black, Laurel Johnson. Between Talk and Teaching: Reconsidering the Writing Conference. Logan, UT: Utah State UP, 1998.
Brandt, Deborah, et al. ?The Politics of the Personal: Storytelling our Lives against the Grain.? College English 64 (Sep. 2001): 41-62.
Butler, Eugenia, et al. Correct Writing. Lexington, MA: Heath, 1995.
Campbell, Martha E. From Paragraph to Essay. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1996.
Corbett, Edward P.J., Nancy Myers and Gary Tate, eds. The Writing Teacher?s Sourcebook. New York: Oxford, 2000.
Despain, LaRene. Writing: A Workshop Approach. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield, 1992.
Elbow, Peter and Pat Belanoff. Being a Writer: A Community of Writers Revisited. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2003.
Foehr, Regina Paxton and Susan A. Schiller, eds. The Spiritual Side of Writing: Releasing the Learner?s Whole Potential. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 1997.
Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 5th ed. New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 1999.
Graves, Richard L. Writing, Teaching, Learning: A Sourcebook. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 1999.
Hacker, Diana. Rules for Writers. 4th ed. Boston, MA: Bedford, 2002.
—. A Writer?s Reference. 4th ed. Boston, MA: Bedford, 2002.
Harnack, Andrew. Online! A Reference Guide to Using Internet Sources. New York: St. Martin?s, 2001.
Hartwell, Patrick. ?Grammar, Grammars, and the Teaching of Grammar.? College English 47 (Feb. 1985): 105-127.
Heffernan, James A.W., and John E. Lincoln. Writing: A Concise Handbook. New York: W. W. Norton, 1997.
Hjortshoj, Keith. The Transition to College Writing. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2001.
Indrisano, Roselmina and James R. Squire, eds. Perspectives on Writing: Research, Theory, and Practice. Newark: International Reading Association, 2000.
Levin, Gerald. Writing and Logic. Atlanta: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1982.
Lunsford, Andrea, and Robert Connors. Easy Writer: A Pocket Guide. New York: St. Martin?s, 1997.
Murray, Donald. Expecting the Unexpected. Portsmouth, NJ: Boynton/Cook, 1989.
—. Write to Learn. 7th edition. Fort Worth: Harcourt, 2002.
Richardson, Peter. Style: A Pragmatic Approach. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 2001.
Silverman, Jay, Elaine Hughes and Diana Roberts Wiebroer. Rules of Thumb: A Guide for Writers. 4th ed. St. Louis: McGraw-Hill, 1999.
Skwire, David. Writing with a Thesis: A Rhetoric and Reader. 7th ed. Rev. by Sarah Harrison. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1999.
Spellmeyer, Kurt. ?After Theory: From Textuality to Attunement with the World.? College English 58 (Dec. 1996): 893-913.
Tate, Gary, Amy Rupiper and Kurt Schick. A Guide to Composition Pedagogies. New York: Oxford, 2001.
Villanueva, Victor, ed. Cross-Talk in Comp Theory: A Reader. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1997.
Wiley, Mark, Barbara Gleason and Louise Wetherbee Phelps, eds. Composition in Four Keys: Inquiring into the Field. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield, 1996.