Essay Two Instructions
ENGL 110 Documented Argument Instructions
- The topic is a current issue that is narrow enough for you to be able to cover in a short paper. Make sure you talk with me before you select your topic–the sooner, the better.
- The length is from 750 to 1,000 words?about 3 to 4 pages.
- You must cite at least two good sources–they must come from the Lee Library databases.
- The style sheet?font, margins, spacing, etc.?are the same as always.
- Your draft thesis statement must be in the following format: Although (the other side of the argument), (your side of the argument) because (reasons).
- You must use the latest MLA format for the works cited list.
- The paper must be turned in by the end of class on the day listed on the calendar.
Some possible topics: censoring anti-Islamic art and communication; separation of chruch and state in the healthcare insurance?mandate; some aspect of music or movie ratings; the IRS; increasing Pell Grants; clean coal, etc. For example, something like abortion is too broad, but arguing for or against “the morning-after pill” is probably narrow enough.