Sample Argument
A Lee Student (used with the author’s permission)
ENG 110 M
Dr. Jensen
17 February 2005
To Preach or to Pastor
God is a God of order, but God is no respecter of persons. These are just two of the many points brought up by opposing sides when arguing whether women should be allowed to be pastors or elders of a church. I begin by asking, does God have a particular order He wants His church to follow? If He does, should women be allowed to be pastors or elders in a church? Many people in the Christian community have different points of view on this issue, and this issue is an ongoing debate in many denominations. I am a woman, and I have felt the call on my life to be a minister of the Gospel, but not a minister in the form of a pastor. I am also from a denomination that believes women can pastor a church, though there are very few who do. I absolutely believe women are to be used in ministry, even to preach the Gospel, but I do not believe a woman should be a pastor or elder of a church. This issue is not one of gifting, but of God?s order. God has a great purpose for women in His Kingdom, but women should realize God has set up an order that is to be carried out by His children. Christians are to conform to the Word of God, not make it conform to what is deemed acceptable and desirable by Christians.
There is a difference between being anointed of God to preach and being called to pastor. To preach is to spread and proclaim God?s Word. To pastor a church is to be placed in authority over a body of people. God has ordained for women to be under men. A man should not be under the authority of a woman. In 1 Timothy 2:11-13 Paul writes, ?A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.
For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.?
Thus, a woman is instructed not to have authority over man, and an authority structure is revealed. 1 Corinthians 14: 33-34 says, ?For God is not a God of disorder but of peace. As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says.? The issue is not if the ministry of women pastors is effective, because God is able to use anyone willing to proclaim His Word to bring His lost children home. The issue falls back to a divine order He has created for His church to follow. If many men are struggling with the fact they must submit to women, does this action of women leading a church need to cease for fear it continue to cause the brethren to stumble? We are instructed not to do anything to cause our brethren to stumble. Even in the Old Testament, every priest made mention of is male. A commonly argued Scripture by those who are for female pastors is the verse which states, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus,” found in Galatians 3:28. However, one must read the context of that passage. This verse is in reference to salvation, in which all are considered equal, not in reference to equality of gender in the ministry.
Elders of a church are instructed to be male, with one wife. How can a woman meet these guidelines if she is female and cannot have a wife? The elders help make decisions in the church; therefore, they are in positions of authority. This authority structure of male over female however, does not extend to the social or political world. The Bible speaks of women in many positions such as a judge, prophetess, teacher, minister, and apostle. For example, Deborah was a judge, and Anna was a prophetess who is mentioned in Luke 2:36. I believe women are called to these positions, and should strive to be used in these areas. Positions such as children?s pastor or youth pastor are acceptable because they are under the submission of a male pastor who is under the leadership of God. However, I do believe women are under-utilized in the church today. This argument should not discourage women from attaining leadership roles or cause women to feel unimportant. Women have callings and are needed in the church today. Husbands now more than ever need a wife to support and help them in their ministries as well. In few cases, a husband and wife will take on a joint pastorship in which the wife remains in submission to her husband, who is recognized as her pastor, therefore fulfilling the structure of authority ordained by God.
One must realize God has called his daughters for a great purpose. God has given to each of His children a gift and ministry. It is my desire to see every child of God fulfill his/her potential. The church world needs to recognize the ministry women have, but the church also needs to remember God has an order. There is nothing wrong with being a woman, but God has set men in authority over women in the church and home. Women should embrace this order and begin to flourish in ministries to which women have been called. May a woman preach, say as an evangelist? Yes, a woman may preach. Some of the best messages I have ever heard preached were preached by women, but anointed women of God must remember not to confuse the call to preach with the call to pastor.