Style Sheet
Style Sheet for Dr. Jensen’s Classes
- Courier New font,12 point
- The entire paper is double spaced
- One-inch margins on all sides
- No large or fancy fonts
- Use italics instead of underlining
- Use only the MLA form for documentation
- The heading should be in the upper left corner of the first page and should be constructed as follows:
Your Name
Class and section: for example, ENGL 110 01
Dr. Arden Jensen
The date in MLA form–for example, 27 May 2016 - The title should be centered and placed in the line below the heading.
- Each paragraph’s first word is indented by using the tab key–1/2 inch (five spaces).
- No extra spaces between paragraphs
- Space only once after a period
- Align left
University of North Carolina good fallacy site
Good list of fallacies