
Chan, R. Y. (submitted). [Review of the book Christian higher education: An empirical guide, by Perry L. Glanzer, Theodore Cockle, & Jessica Martin]. Growth: The Journal of the Association for Christians in Student Development (ACSD).
Chan, R. Y., Dai, K., Watts, T., & Chen, W. L. (Eds). (forthcoming). The current and future state of artificial intelligence in international higher education. Artificial intelligence in comparative and international higher education: Envisioning education in a digital society [Special issue]. Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education (JCIHE), Winter 2026.
Mitic, R., Chan, R. Y., & Wu, B. (forthcoming). The impact of study abroad on civic engagement and democratic participation among alumni.
Lin, X., Chan, R. Y., Sharma, S., & Bista, K. (2024). ChatGPT and global higher education: Using artificial intelligence in teaching and learning. STAR Scholars Press.
Lin, X., Chan, R. Y., Sharma, S., & Bista, K. (2024). The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on global higher education: Opportunities and challenges of using ChatGPT and generative AI. In Lin et al., ChatGPT and global higher education: Using artificial intelligence in teaching and learning (pp. 1-17). STAR Scholars Press.
Millington, T. V., Bista, K., Chan, R. Y., & Zhang, B. (2024). Veteran educators, international education, and study abroad: Perspectives, insights, and practices. STAR Scholars Press.
Chan, R. Y., Lin, X., & Bista, K. (2023). Rethinking hybrid and remote work in higher education: Global perspectives, policies, and practices after COVID-19. Palgrave Macmillan.
Chan, R. Y., Lin, X., & Bista, K. (2023). Is hybrid and remote work here to stay? Opportunities and challenges in the United States and abroad. In R. Y. Chan, X. Lin, & K. Bista (Eds.), Rethinking hybrid and remote work in higher education (pp. 7-27). Palgrave Macmillan.
Chan, R. Y. (2022). Do credit momentum policies through the 15 to Finish improve academic progression and completion of low-income, first-generation students? Evidence from a college promise program. Research in Higher Education, 63, 1394-1426.
Ammigan, R., Chan, R. Y., & Bista, K. (2022) COVID-19 and higher education in the global context: Exploring contemporary issues. STAR Scholars Press.
McKeown, J. S., Bista, K., & Chan, R. Y. (2022). Global higher education during COVID-19: Policy, society, and technology. STAR Scholars Press.
Chan, R. Y. (2022). [Review of the book Trends and issues in doctoral education: A global perspective, by Maria Yudkevich, Philip G. Altbach, & Hans de Wit]. Global Studies Literature Review (GSLR), 12, 30-31.
Chan, R. Y. (2022, October 7). Should free college programs require students to take 15 credits? Scholars Strategy Network (SSN).
Chan, R. Y. (2022). Exploring international joint and dual degree programs and transnational higher education: Ideas and Possibilities during COVID-19. B. Akgün & C. Bağcı (Eds.), Educational Policies in the 21st Century: Comparative Perspectives. Springer.
Chan, R. Y. (2021). Understanding international joint and dual degree programs: Opportunities and challenges during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 13(5), 86-107.
Chan, R. Y., Bista, K., & Allen, R. M. (2021). Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education during COVID-19: International Perspectives and Experiences. Routledge.
Chan, R. Y., Bista, K., & Allen, R. M. (2021). Is online and distance learning the future in global higher education? The faculty perspectives during COVID-19. In R. Y. Chan, K. Bista, & R. M. Allen (Eds.), Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education during COVID-19: International Perspectives and Experiences (pp. 3-12). Routledge.
Bista, K., Allen, R. M., & Chan, R Y. (2021). Impact of COVID-19 on Global Student Mobility and Higher Education. Routledge.
Bista, K., Allen, R. M., & Chan, R. Y. (2021). A new golden age in international higher education: Challenges and successes during the pandemic and beyond. In R. Y. Chan, K. Bista, & R. M. Allen (Eds.), Impacts of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on International Students and the Future of Student Mobility (pp. 3-12). Routledge.
Chan, R. Y. (2020). The professionalization of fundraising: A transcript analysis of CASE President Emeritus Peter McEachin Buchanan (1935-1991) on U.S. higher education philanthropy. In B. Hoolwerf (Ed.), European Research Network on Philanthropy (ERNOP) Conference Proceedings (pp. 45-58). Basel, Switzerland: University of Basel, Center for Philanthropy Studies.
Chan, R. Y. (2019). Book Review – Taking It to the Streets: The Role of Scholarship in Advocacy and Advocacy in Scholarship by Laura W. Perna. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement (JHEOE), 23(3), 230-234.
Chan, R. Y. (2019). Higher education as a field of study: An analysis of 495 academic programs, research centers, and institutes across 48 countries worldwide. In N. Popov, C. Wolhuter, L. Beer, G. Hilton, J. Ogunleye, E. Achinewhu-Nworgu, & E. Niemczyk (Eds.), Glocal Education in Practice: Teaching, Researching, and Citizenship (pp. 124-131). Sofia, Bulgaria: BCES.
Chan, R. Y. (2018). State of the Field 2017. Forum on Education Abroad.
Chan, R. Y., Tang, H. H., & Delaney, P. (2018). The rise of private tutoring: Contemporary issues in ‘shadow education’ in Mainland China. In B. Bartram, Education – International and Comparative Perspectives. Routledge Education Studies.
Alphin, H. C., Chan, R. Y., & Lavine, J. (2017). Disability and equity in higher education accessibility. IGI Global.
Alphin, H. C., Lavine, J., & Chan, R. Y. (2017). The future of accessibility in international higher education. IGI Global.
Chan, R. Y. (2016). Understanding the purpose of higher education: An analysis of the economic and social benefits for completing a college degree. Journal of Education Policy, Planning, and Administration (JEPPA), 6(5), 1-40.
Chan, R. Y. (2016). Studying philanthropy and fundraising in higher education: A proposed conceptual model. In Alphin, H. C., Lavine, J., Stark, S., & Hocker, A., Facilitating Higher Education Growth through Fundraising and Philanthropy (pp. 1-27). IGI Global.
Rumbley, L. E., Altbach, P. G., Stanfield, D. A., Shimmi, Y., de Gayardon, A., & Chan, R. Y. (2014). Higher education: A worldwide inventory of research centers, academic programs, and journals and publications (3rd Eds.). Lemmens Publishers.
Macfarlane, B., & Chan, R. Y. (2014). The last judgment: Exploring intellectual leadership in higher education through academic obituaries. Studies in Higher Education, 39(2), 294-306.
Chan, R. Y. (2014). Can China keep rising in the age of globalization? Chinese students’ learning and living experience at two “world-class” research universities in East Asia. International Journal of Chinese Education, 3(1), 74-108.
Chan, R. Y. (2012). The effects of college environment on students’ learning and living experience at a world-class university: A comparative case study of the University of Hong Kong and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The International Journal of Comparative Education and Development, 14(1), 87-98.B
Technical Reports
Chan, R. Y. , Waltrip, A., Pope, K., & DiPastena, A. (2021). 2020-2021 Lee University LEAP Annual Report. Cleveland, TN: Lee University.
Chan, R. Y. , Waltrip, A., Pope, K., & DiPastena, A. (2020). 2019-2020 Lee University LEAP Annual Report. Cleveland, TN: Lee University.
Chan, R. Y. (2020). Studying Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Global Higher Education: Evidence for Future Research and Practice. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University. Retrieved from Social Science Research Network (SSRN).M
Chan, R. Y. The Impact of Study Abroad Participation on Civic Engagement and Democratic Participation among Religiously Affiliated Alumni
Chan, R. Y., & Lawson, K. CCCU Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) Directory: A Global Inventory of Academic Programs for Christian Higher Education
Quotes Provided by Dr. Chan for National Press Release
April 18, 2023 – “Lee University To Host 2nd Annual Doctoral Student Poster Symposium”
December 21, 2022 – “Roy Y. Chan on Improving Free College Programs”
May 13, 2022 – “ Lee University Hosts Inaugural Doctoral Symposium”
October 25, 2021 – “How This Campus Works to Include International Students”
May 20, 2021 – “Lee University Holds Ceremony LEAP/TRIO SSS Graduates”
November 8, 2022 – “Lee University Celebrates First-Generation Day”
September 1, 2020 – “Lee University LEAP Welcomes 23 New Freshmen Scholars”
November 18, 2019 – “Lee Hosts Inaugural First-Generation Celebration Day”
September 20, 2019 – Lee Welcomes Dr. Roy Y. Chan as new LEAP Director”
August 22, 2019 – “Lee University Names Chan As New LEAP Director, 2019-20 Scholars”