Research Interests
Behavioral & Social Sciences Research Lab: Motivation, self and identity, psychology of change, self-regulation, self-efficacy, education

Notable Research Projects
Quagliana, H.L, Sargent, J.L., & Carter, S.A. (2014). Service learning in the psychology classroom: A best practices model. Presented at the 2014 annual meeting of the Southeastern Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Atlanta, Georgia.
Sargent, J.L. (2006). Understanding Adolescent Self-Regulation Through Regulatory Focus and Possible Selves.
Thoma, S., Hestevold, N., Sargent, J., & Crowson, M. (2005). Describing and testing an intermediate concept measure of adolescent moral thinking. Paper presented at 2005 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal , Quebec .
Sargent, J.L., & Johnson, E.L. (2003). Possible selves and volition: Understanding academic motivation in adolescents. Poster session presented at the 2003 annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto , Ontario .
Sargent, J.L., & Johnson, E.L. (2003). Reaching success in the future through the present: Motivation and the interaction between possible selves and volition. Poster session at the 2003 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago , Illinois ..