news I’m interested in!
Holidays are over and its onto 2015!
6th January | No Comments | posted by Lori Mattace | in Reading, Plans, Blog, News
The holidays are over and it is back to the library for 2015. I made some New Year’s Resolutions…well, rather, New Year’s Aspirations. I aspire to a lot it in 2015 and time will tell if I reach those aspirations. One thing I would like to do is learn French. French was the language I took in in high school and college and I would like recommit to learning it thoroughly during this coming year. Nous allons le voir! (We shall see).
I did get a bit of reading done over the holiday break which was very nice for me as I never seem to have time to just read for pleasure. I read two books: The Heir Apparent: A Life of Edward VII, the Playboy Prince by Jane Ridley and Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow: My Life by Sophia Loren. I enjoyed both books immensely as I’m a big Anglophile and a fan of old Hollywood. Now it is back to being busy and trying to find time to read (another NY aspiration).
As for the new semester, we are going to have productive and busy time in Public Services but I work with a great team and I feel we are going to accomplish a lot this semester.
Mid-Semester Report
3rd October | No Comments | posted by Lori Mattace | in News, Library News, Blog
It has been a very busy semester so far! I feel like I haven’t had much time to breathe, let alone blog.
Some things that we have accomplished in the library include combining reference with circulation. The move seems to be a great success in that the former reference area has become quite a popular place for students to hang out! The combination of circulation and reference has also proven to be popular with it increasing our ability to mentor our student assistants.
The library’s cafe has undergone some changes including being open longer hours during the week. We have also tried to add some different types of product. Please stop by, if you get the opportunity, and let us know what we can do to serve you better.
Last, I’ve been getting to know my Gateway Freshmen class which has been very exciting. They are a unique bunch of individuals who, combined, make for a great and fun class. We recently completed our service project of working a fall festival for a local elementary school. The class did a great job helping out and serving our greater community.
That is a brief update on my world….until next time:)
Back and Ready to Go!
8th August | No Comments | posted by Lori Mattace | in News, Blog
Well I’m back from summer vacation and in the swing of things for the semester. I’m still reading the Seven Ages of Paris…apparently I’m not as fast a reader as I thought I was. Oh well. At least it is a fascinating book.
As for the Library, I’m back and learning a new position as the new Public Services Librarian. It has been a bit stressful but, also, very interesting and exciting. I’m learning something new every day and that makes me happy. In about a week, the students will be returning and campus life will be in full swing. This will also add another job to my list: Gateway Instructor. I will get the opportunity to mentor some incoming freshmen and show them the ropes so to speak; I’m really looking forward to this adventure.
Till the next time…