Graduate Classes

THEO 474 – Feminist Theology

This course examines the historical roots, key ideas and trajectories of feminist theology and philosophy, the passions and contradictions of these disciplines, and their effects on various social practices and religious institutions.

THEO-230 and THEO-231

THEO 574 – Feminist Theology and Philosophy

THEO 581 – Political Theology

This course intends an analysis and criticism of political arrangements from the perspective of differing interpretations of God’s ways with the world. This course will also explore the role of the church as a polis, which practices a theological politics. Major themes and thinkers will include the following: liberation theology, feminist theology, black theology, Radical Orthodoxy, Jürgen Moltmann, Walter Brueggemann, William, Cavanaugh, John Howard Yoder, Stanley Hauerwas, and Amos Yong.

THEO 582 – Theological Anthropology

This course is a biblical, historical, and systematic consideration of certain themes concerning human nature from a Christian perspective. The aim of the course is to facilitate reflection on core aspects of human identity and living. Major themes include creation, gender, body and soul, disabilities, and the destiny of humanity (eschatology).

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