This Title III grant initiative seeks to support faculty by providing resources, ongoing training, and educational and technological tools for augmented student learning outcomes. Funds are available for enhanced classroom technology as well as comprehensive faculty development in the areas of advising and active learning strategies to support success in the classroom. In addition to funds for development, an Early Warning system is available so faculty can report student concerns that need immediate intervention. An intensified learning support program will proactively provide supplemental instruction to bolster course completion.
Ellucian provides an early alert system so that faculty, students, and support staff can work together to help students succeed. Check back for more information, guides, and information on this valuable resource.
We will be adding more information, resources, and samples for Title III requests throughout the fall semester, so be sure to check back here.
Not sure if your request qualifies for the Title III grant? Interested in developing a larger project for your department? Seeking more information? Contact us to learn more!
Director of Student Success and Retention
Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs